Renovate to Keep Queensland Weather Out of Your Home

Summer Heat in Queensland - Keeping the Weather Out at Home

Queensland is known for its tropical climate, but this “perfect” weather can be tough on properties. It’s a challenge to protect homes from the elements while, at the same time, making sure you have comfortable living conditions inside.

I’m Stephen Cochrane from AJ Cochrane & Sons, and for over 90 years, our business has been navigating the peaks and troughs of property markets and weather conditions alike.

With extensive research into innovative paint technology and a trusted partnership with Dulux, we’ve developed expertise in protecting properties against the elements, particularly in challenging climates like Queensland’s.

While it’s a paradise for beach lovers and sun seekers, the weather can be tough on homes, and you need to learn to safeguard your property from the harsh elements.

The Challenge of Queensland Weather

Queensland’s weather is notoriously hard on houses. The intense heat, high humidity, and heavy rainfall can wreak havoc on a property’s exterior, leading to problems like mould growth, wood rot, and paint damage.

Living through these conditions can also be uncomfortable, with interiors becoming stiflingly hot or damp during different seasons.

Eco-Haus Design to reduce heat

One way to combat weather damage is by adopting eco-haus design principles.

  • When building, orienting your house to face north allows it to take advantage of natural sunlight, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling.
  • Good sealing, including double glazing on windows, prevents heat loss in winter and keeps the heat out in summer.
  • Insulation is also important, helping to maintain a consistent indoor temperature regardless of the weather outside.

These practices not only protect your property but also enhance energy efficiency, leading to significant savings on utility bills.

Innovative Paint Technology

Recent advancements in paint technology offer another layer of protection for your property. Heat-reflective roof paint, for example, can reduce the amount of heat a building absorbs. This paint contains special pigments that reflect more sunlight than standard paints, keeping your roof – and consequently, your home – cooler.

Mould resistant house paint is another innovation that’s particularly useful in Queensland’s humid climate. It contains fungicides that prevent mould spores from taking root, protecting your walls and ceilings from unsightly and potentially harmful mould growth.

Learn more about renovating in a humid environment here.

Home Maintenance and Preparation

Regular home maintenance is crucial for weatherproofing your property. This includes activities such as checking and repairing the roof, cleaning gutters, and securing loose items around the yard.

Ensuring your home is well-maintained not only prevents damage during severe weather events but also enhances the longevity of the property.

Landscaping to reduce heat

Landscaping can also protect your property from Queensland’s harsh weather. Native plants, for instance, are adapted to local climate conditions and require less water and maintenance. They can also provide shade, reducing the heat absorbed by your home.

The strategic placement of trees and shrubs can also act as windbreaks, protecting your property from strong winds and storms. However, make sure branches are trimmed regularly to prevent them from causing damage during severe weather.

Protecting Your Property Affordably

Queensland’s weather may be harsh, but with the right strategies, you can protect your property effectively without breaking the bank. Remember, prevention is better than cure – investing in the above measures now can save you significant time, money, and stress in the long run.


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